About Paisley.scot
We are a website which is affiliated to the official community website of Paisley. Our aim is to show you trails of the town, where elsewhere they have been hard to find if available at all, We want to include the best photographs of the trails too.
Our Logo
Our logo comes from the bobbins of thread that were produced as you can see in the photographs above by the Clark and Coats Mills who for generation’s dominated and shape the town we live in which we hold that dear to our heart.
Clark Thread Company
The Clark Thread Company was originally a Scottish firm that manufactured embroidery and sewing threads for many years. The company was established in the 1750’s by two brothers, James and Patrick Clark. The story of this company is complicated, as it involves British as well as North American based companies run by various members of the Clark family.
Coats Family
1750s – 1770s
The early years
The origins of Coats can be traced to the Clark and Coats families that created the weaving and textile industries of Paisley, Scotland during the late 18th century.